- Tuesday - November 19th - A VBYG Clinic will be held today, for students who are missing immunization requirements for school. If you would like your child to be vaccinated please go directly to the website: www.wellcomp.com to sign up or complete the attached consent form. Parents have been notified if immunizations are missing, but you may call Mrs. Cobb (247-3155) with any questions. Please return consent forms as soon as possible so that appropriate vaccines may be made available on November 29th.
- Friday - November 22 (7:00PM) Saturday, November 23 (7:00PM) Sunday, November 24th (2:00PM) Drama Production - Cinderella (Tickets are $5 for students, $8 for adults and can be purchased at the door)
Click here for the complete publication of November 2019 Highlights