Attendance Reminders
- Any student who is participating in a sport, club or afterschool activity must be in on time (8:30a.m.) and remain in school the entire day. If a student has an appointment, a note is required from where they have been in order to participate
- Parents are asked to call the office no later than 9:00a.m. with any dismissals, tardies, or absences. We ask that you do not call at the time that you want your child dismissed. Advance notice allows the office staff time to update the database alerting teachers of daily attendance ahead of their arrival or departure
- All students are required to sign out before leaving the building
- If students are not feeling well, they should go to see the nurse who will evaluate the situation and then call home. This allows the nurse to monitor health trends
- We understand that there are circumstances that may arise at the last minute and take that into consideration
Please refer to the Student and Athletic Handbooks under the Attendance section if you have any questions.
BHS Environmental Club and BMS Climate Change Club Tree Sale
Please be advised that students are not allowed to order food from outside vendors to be delivered to the school i.e., Dominos, Door Dash, Uber Eats, etc. Chartwells provides lunch daily, free of charge, to all students. Any deliveries will be held in the main office until the end of the school day.
- March 29 - Grade 9 Eye Screening
- March 29 -Blood Drive
- April 2 - ACT's (8:00AM)
- April 3 - Ukraine Relief Supper (BHS Cafeteria)
- April 5 - BHS Parents Association (7:00PM) Via Zoom
- April 7 - Battle of the Classes (1:15-3:05PM)
- April 8 - Spring Fling (7:00-10:00PM)
- April 13 - School Improvement Team (4:00PM)
- April 13 - Music Coffee House (6:30PM)
- April 13 - Boosters Club (7:00PM)
- April 13 - School Day SAT - Grade 11 (Graduation Requirement)
- April 15 - Good Friday (NO SCHOOL)
- April 18-22 - School Vacation (NO SCHOOL)
- April 25 - School Day PSAT 10 (Graduation Requirement)

Feel free to contact our School Resource Office whenever you feel necessary at:
Dave Wyrostek 401-437-3930 (station number) dwyrostek@barrington.ri.gov
David J. Wyrostek Barrington Police Department Patrolman/SRO 100 Federal Rd, Barrington RI, 02806 401-437-3930 401-437-3939 (fax) barringtonpolice.org

Important Information from Nurse Tammy - lafrenieret@barringtonschools.org
Students who test positive with an at-home test should have a parent/guardian call the main office. Take a picture of the results, note date of test, and when symptoms began and email results to any of the following:
- Mrs. Kellner - kellnere@barringtonschools.org
- Mrs. Perry - perrye@barringtonschools.org
- Mrs. Azulay - azulayc@barringtonschools.org
- Rapid testing is available daily for any student that is not feeling well, has been exposed, or would just like to be tested. Testing will be from 8:30a.m. - 3:30 p.m. during school day hours.
- Students that have tested positive must return the After COVID-19 Return Attestation Form upon return to school. Students will be emailed their return to school date.

PLEASE consider supporting BHS AfterProm

Barrington High School 2022 Yearbook is now on Sale. First price is $60 and last price is $105. Order early and SAVE! Please find all ordering information and pricing HERE:
Price changes that occur as follows:
· Order March 1st through April 8th @ $105.25
Books cannot be ordered after April 8, 2022
- BHS Library News
- Student Voluntary Vaccination Upload Form
- Spring 2022 Master Rotating Schedule
- COVID Testing Consent Form
- Tech Support - Who & Where to find answers for all technology questions
- Technology On-line Help Desk Ticket