Primrose Hill Library


Primrose Library Hours
Monday - Friday
7:30 am - 3:00 pm


  • Primrose Hill Library is open to Barrington students and staff.

  • Primrose students, school district staff members, and parents can check out all items that are part of our regular circulation.

  • There are no overdue fines.

  • Lost or significantly damaged materials must be paid for at the cost of replacement.

  • Interlibrary loans requests can be placed by PRH patrons through the library staff.


  • All non-instructional items in circulation are available for interlibrary loan.

  • Library staff and patrons can submit interlibrary loan requests.

  • Interlibrary loan requests will be filled at the discretion of the school librarian.

  • Local patron hold requests take precedence over interlibrary loan requests for the same item.

  • Items that are specifically reserved for in-library or classroom use are temporarily excluded from interlibrary loan as needed.

  • An individual patron can request a maximum of two items at one time.

  • ILL requests will be filled (or declined) as quickly as possible.

  • There are no interlibrary loan fees or overdue fines.

  • Lost or significantly damaged items must be paid for at the cost of replacement. In certain circumstances, a replacement copy may be accepted.

  • Items borrowed through interlibrary loan have a 35 day loan period and can be renewed one time.