Barrington students, parents, teachers, and staff were greeted by a beautiful day to begin the new school year. Welcome Back @bps_ri

@PawSox posted "We can’t wait to honor the Barrington Little Leaguers tomorrow (8.31.19)! Half the proceeds of every ticket sold through this link will go directly back to Barrington Little League, so help us spread the word!" 🎟 https://bit.ly/2ZoQQoa
@RI_Barrington @bps_ri

Click to watch the @bms_ri 18 Months of Construction and Demolition from start to finish in under 60 Seconds! https://www.barringtonschools.org/o/barrington-schools/page/bms-construction-time-lapse-video

Opportunities to tour the New Barrington Middle School: Sat., Aug. 24, 2019: Community Tour from 9 am to 12 pm. Mon., Aug.26, 2019: Ribbon Cutting Ceremony & a tour of the new building from 9:00 am - 10:00 am. Mon., Aug. 26, 2019: Community Tour 5 pm to 8 pm

Barrington Little League Moves to World Series!!! https://www.wpri.com/news/barrington-little-league-wins-new-england-regional-now-heads-to-little-league-world-series-in-williamsport-pa/

Demolition has begun at Barrington Middle School! Watch it live by clicking here: https://www.senserasystems.com/public/project/BarringtonMS

Opportunities to tour the New Barrington Middle School:
Sat., Aug. 24, 2019: Community Tour from 9 am to 12 pm. Mon., Aug.26, 2019: Ribbon Cutting Ceremony & a tour of the new building from 9:00 am - 10:00 am. Mon., Aug. 26, 2019: Community Tour 5 pm to 8 pm

Please see a link to this week's BMS Building Project Blog: Week of July 28, 2019.
Have a great week!

We are excited to announce Barrington Public Schools’ new mobile app! Access sports' schedules, menus, news updates, and emergency notifications! See Demonstration Video: http://bit.ly/2KboVxV
Download the app on Android: http://bit.ly/2Q5HwOn
iPhone: https://apple.co/2Q8nC5c.

Hampden Meadows School Third Grade Parent Orientation
Who: Parents of current third-grade students
No Babysitting Available
When: Wednesday, May 1, 2019 5:30-7:00PM
Where: Hampden Meadows School Cafeteria
Please join us for an informative meeting about transitioning to Hampden Meadows School
Tracey A. McGee
Hampden Meadows School
Barrington, RI 02806

Just a reminder that the Bowl- a-thon is this Sunday at Dudek Bowling Lanes. You can buy tickets at the door. There are two sessions -9:00-10:30 and 10:45-12:15. There will be light refreshments and raffles. If you are able, please come out and support this event.

Barrington Public Schools will be closed tomorrow March 4th.

Emergency Dismissal Procedure - In the event that we need to dismiss early - this is the procedure we will follow: