![]() Primrose Hill Elementary School Weekly Newsletter May 26, 2023 |
Primrose Pandas are Respectful, Responsible and Safe |
Dear Primrose Families, We are at a very busy pace here. Students have begun their spring assessments on Fastbridge to show what they know, understand and can do in both Math and Reading. Many of our classes have begun the ABC countdown this week. Different activities each day in alphabetical order. It is a fun way to celebrate the letter with fun activities. Our second graders have also given our students a nice performance this week for Star Spangled Banner Play with Mr Vadnais. Families will be able to see highlights from this second grade Our school practiced an evacuation drill this morning and did extremely well. The children were focused and listened well to directions to practice staying safe. As I have shared throughout the school year, we are very focused to keep our directions simple and clean for the children. Sometimes we stay inside the school to be safe and sometimes we go outside of the school to be safe. We practice to be sure we all know what to do and where to go if an emergency were to occur. I am very proud of how well they did with this today and all the drills we have completed this year. Just a reminder that the window is still open for families to complete the survey on our school climate and culture. I hope that you can take a moment to share your input with us so that we can help identify our areas of need, celebrate our successes and partner with you for growth and improvements here at school. Here is the link to the anonymous survey https://surveys.panoramaed.com/barringtonschools/familysurvey/surveys Hope you enjoy the photos of the beautiful new garden area and the hand painted May baskets done by Mrs August’s class earlier this month. Monday is Memorial Day, time set aside to remember with gratitude and pride those in uniform who made the ultimate sacrifice. However you plan to celebrate the holiday, may it be filled with memories and peace. Educationally yours, Coleen Smith |
Primrose Hill Elementary Memphis Zoo Panda & China Assembly Follow-Up Questions As you know the PTO had arranged for a virtual assembly during Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week. Our students had several questions for the staff and below are the answers they shared.
Gardening Club Project on the upper playground |
Kickball at Primrose School Volunteers needed to organize and supervise kickball games during recess. Get kids excited to join you and their Primrose friends! TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS 11:45am- 12:45pm If you’re available, please sign up: |
Primrose Hill Reading Week kicks off June 5th! Starting May 29th there will be boxes set up in the school foyer to collect gently used book donations for our annual Book Swap. Students will not be able to check out books from the Library during the month of June as we try to get all copies returned to the shelves, but the week of June 5-9th each student will choose one book from the Swap to keep! If available, please encourage your child to bring in additional books (especially chapter books), so that every child in the school will be able to take a book home. Any child not able to bring in a book will still be able to participate in the Swap. In addition, we will be donating unselected books to a local charity. Please contact Miss O’Kane at okanek@barringtonschools.org if you have any questions. Thank you for your time and donations! |
We've made it to the FINAL FOUR! Vote on the book you think deserves to advance to the Finals at https://forms.gle/68ZXh1cAAahEQnTU7 Gibberish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fc1dsYpYcsw VERSUS Zonia's Rain Forest: https://youtu.be/iww5_fnJLI0 |
Dates to Remember: Link to BPS Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging resource for May
PTO Website: Please take a quick moment to log into the PTO website and opt into the family directory at https://www.primrosehillpto.org/directory. With all they have planned, it is a great idea to visit this site weekly to get updates and see how you can participate in upcoming events. |
************************************************************************************************************* Next PTO meeting on June 7th 5:00pm in person at PHS Childcare being offered |
Family survey: https://surveys.panoramaed.com... |

This week's newsletter-March 3
May 26, 2023