Primrose Hill Elementary School Weekly Newsletter June 9, 2023 |
Primrose Pandas are Respectful, Responsible and Safe |
Dear Primrose Families, This week was filled with memorable moments, big and small. Challenges with air quality and weather did not get in the way of our plans because we have been learning all year how to flex and pivot to make the most of a moment. Below are only some of the highlights for the week. Be sure to check your classroom newsletters for more details and photos of specifics from the classrooms. Reading week was a huge success thanks to the amazing work of Ms. O’Kane and her team of volunteers. We had guest readers from the middle school, books and blankets, the town librarian here for a visit and more. I only wish you could have heard the cheers and joy pouring from the classrooms each afternoon when Ms. O’Kane announced the answers to the character questions. THAT is what I enjoy most! Seeing and hearing our students energized and engaged in the learning. We also had our final round of the reading challenge. You’ll have to scroll down to see which of the two finalists was named the winner of this year’s reading challenge. There is a full slide deck of photos from the week of activities linked below. Our third graders were able to visit Hampden Meadows today to see their school for next year. Great feedback from the students on what they thought of their visit and the carousel rides afterwards. While the cookout had its challenges with weather, our third graders and teachers showed their flexibility to enjoy this special lunch. Second graders were able to enjoy an assembly today as a culmination of their studies of pollinators. As you can see from the pictures below, they were able to interact and learn from a beekeeper today. Our Kindergarteners have been working on their unit on tree and their upcoming presentations. They have been bringing in some amazing projects to share with their classes. We have some very impressive tree experts budding in K-(sorry, couldn’t resist) Next week Starts with Letter R-for the A-Z countdown. We will be rehearsing for the first annual Primrose Performs which will be held here on Friday. Speaking of performances-break a leg to all of our Arts Alive performers this weekend. You have been working so well together to put on a great show. Enjoy yourselves! Educationally yours, Coleen Smith |
Attention Incoming Kindergarten Families: I wanted to be sure that any of our current preschool students who will be attending Kindergarten with us in the fall received the details for our Kindergarten screening. Please see the details below and use the two links included to schedule your appointment and to complete the short questionnaire. This same information will be sent out to new families to our school today as well. Welcome to Kindergarten! We are excited to have your child join us in the upcoming school year, and it will be here before you know it. In August, you will receive information from us about your child’s classroom placement and Kindergarten Orientation. We need your help to ensure that our placement meets the needs of your child. We will do our Kindergarten screening on the following dates:
This screening information will help us to create balanced Kindergarten classes and gather information on students in literacy, numeracy, articulation, and free play. The screening accomplishes two goals:
Please click on the links below to access two documents. The first link is a short questionnaire about your child’s learning that would be helpful to get to know your child a bit. The second link is the SignupGenius to pick a sign-up time for the screening. Please know that screening is required. If you cannot attend a session, please email me directly so that we can establish an alternative plan. |
Results are in! Our school has voted and chosen its winner! I hope that you have already enjoyed this book during the challenge this spring. Here is the link again, just in case you want to share it again. Hats off to Ms. O’Kane for an amazing book challenge for the past several months. So thrilled that we will be adding winning title to the library for our readers to enjoy and share with their families. |
Field Day at Primrose Mr Gesmondi and Mrs Lewis have planned for our annual field day activities for June 14th (with a rain date of June 15th) All of our classes will be able to participate in the various stations. Session 1: 8:30-9:00 preschool classes Session 2: 9:00-10:30 Kindergarten and First Grade Session 3: 10:40-11:50 Second and Third Grade We would love to have parents come to volunteer for this fun event. If you are available to help with one of the stations during a session listed below, or even stay through the morning it would be a tremendous help-and a fun experience for you. If you would like to volunteer, please use the sign up link here to choose your time or times to come and play with us! |
1st annual “Primrose Performs” What is it? “Primrose Performs” is a school-wide music concert. All grade levels K-3 will perform a music selection on the stage! When is it? “Primrose Performs” is on Friday June 16, 2023 at 10:30-11:45 AM Where is it? The performance will take place in the back of Primrose Hill School at the Amphitheater stairs. What to bring? Feel free to bring a folding chair or a blanket to sit on, plenty of water & sun screen! *Parents please sit either on the grass hill, the top grass/hard top or next to the blue slide. Only teachers and their classes will be seated on the amphitheater steps. We hope you can come celebrate the final days of the school year with us through music and song! Musically yours, Mark Vadnais Music director - PHS |
Dates to Remember: Link to BPS Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging resource for June June is:
Please be sure to read class newsletters and Seesaw for any classroom events that are planned for your child’s class. This list is focused on whole school and grade level events. |
PTO Website: Please take a quick moment to log into the PTO website and opt into the family directory at With all they have planned, it is a great idea to visit this site weekly to get updates and see how you can participate in upcoming events. |
************************************************************************************************************* Next PTO meeting on June 7th 5:00pm in person at PHS Childcare being offered |

This week's newsletter-June 9
June 9, 2023